

This library offers a way of hooking into the logic of the form fields. Hooks that validate input and display error messages, also ship with built-in translations in all 12 supported languages (opens in a new tab). Below you can find the list of all official hooks and their documentation. Please note, however, that you can also write your own hooks if needed.


All hooks are functions, that can take 0 or more arguments. They are returned within the hooks property of any form field, such as:

const formFields = {
  name: {
    label: 'Name',
    hooks: [useAutoCapitalize(), useLength(2, 155), useRequired()]

List of hooks


This hook will automatically capitalize the first letter of each word in the input value. The hook is not configurable.

import { useAutoCapitalize } from '@phormal/core'
const formFields = {
  name: {
    label: 'Name',
    hooks: [useAutoCapitalize()]


This hook will validate that the input is a valid email address. The hook is not configurable.

import { useEmail } from '@phormal/core'
const formFields = {
  email: {
    label: 'Email',
    hooks: [useEmail()]


This hook can validate the minimum and maximum length on the input of a field.

minLengthnumber, undefined or nullSet the minimum length of the input
maxLengthnumber, undefined or nullSet the maximum length of the input
import { useLength } from '@phormal/core'
const formFields = {
  name: {
    label: 'Name',
    hooks: [useLength(null, 10)] // no minimum length, maximum length of 10
  description: {
    label: 'Description',
    hooks: [useLength(10, 100)] // minimum length of 10, maximum length of 100
  address: {
    label: 'Address',
    hooks: [useLength(10)] // minimum length of 10, no maximum length


This hook allows you to validate the minimum and maximum value of a number input.

minValuenumber, undefined or nullSet the minimum value of the inputYes
maxValuenumber, undefinedSet the maximum value of the inputNo
import { useMinMax } from '@phormal/core'
const formFields = {
  age: {
    label: 'Name',
    type: 'number',
    hooks: [useMinMax(1, 200)] // minimum value of 1, maximum value of 1000
  price: {
    label: 'Price',
    type: 'number',
    hooks: [useMinMax(10)] // minimum value of 10, no maximum value
  quantity: {
    label: 'Quantity',
    type: 'number',
    hooks: [useMinMax(null, 100)] // no minimum value, maximum value of 100


This hook will validate a url. The hook optionally takes a configuration object, with two properties allowedHosts, and allowedProtocols, as in the examples below.

import { useUrl } from '@phormal/core'
const formFields = {
  url: {
    label: 'Email',
    hooks: [useUrl()] // validates that the input is a valid url
  urlInvalidHost: {
    label: 'URL with valid host',
    hooks: [useUrl({ allowedHosts: ['google.com', 'google.nl', 'google.be'] })] // validates that the input is a valid url and that the host is one of the allowed hosts
  urlInvalidProtocol: {
    label: 'URL with valid protocol',
    hooks: [useUrl({ allowedProtocols: ['https'] })] // validates that the input is a valid url and that the protocol is one of the allowed protocols


This hook can validate the input of a field against a regular expression. It can also, optionally, help you display an error message showing your user what format is expected.

regexRegExpThe pattern that the input has to matchYes
readableExpectedFormatstringA string to display in your error message, for users to visualize what the expected input looks likeNo
import { useRegex } from '@phormal/core'
const formFields = {
  orderNumber: {
    label: 'Order Number',
    hooks: [useRegex(/PH-\d{8}/)] // only allow order numbers that start with PH- and have 8 digits
  orderNumberFriendlyErrpr: {
    label: 'Order Number',
    hooks: [useRegex(/PH-\d{8}/), 'PH-XXXXXXXX'] // same as above, but will display the expected format to the user in the error message


This hook will validate that the input is not empty. The hook is not configurable.

import { useRequired } from '@phormal/core'
const formFields = {
  name: {
    label: 'Name',
    hooks: [useRequired()]


This hook will validate that the format of a postal code matches the required format for a given country. The hook is not configurable, but requires 2 things to work properly:

  1. It can only be used on a field of type text (which is the default for any field, if not specified)
  2. It needs the presence of another field named country. This field needs a value that matches a valid country code, according to the ISO-3166 Alpha-2 standard: https://www.iso.org/obp/ui/#search/code/ (opens in a new tab)
import { useValidZip } from '@phormal/core'
const formFields = {
  country: {
    type: 'select',
    label: 'Country',
    hooks: [useRequired()],
    value: 'DE',
    options: [
      {value: 'US', label: 'United States'},
      {value: 'CA', label: 'Canada'},
      {value: 'MX', label: 'Mexico'},
      {value: 'FR', label: 'France'},
      {value: 'DE', label: 'Germany'}
  zip: {
    label: 'ZIP code',
    hooks: [useValidZip()]
Last updated on January 21, 2023